thrive letters
Inspired Guidance to Help Women Trailblazers Thrive
Delivered to your inbox the last Friday of each month.
Latest Letters
The Gift of Unconditional Love
This month, we dive into allowing and receiving the kind of love we truly need to thrive—so we can live, lead, and create with greater authenticity and impact.
Dear friends,
Over the past month, I’ve had to say goodbye to my incredible grandmother, the woman who taught me the meaning of unconditional love.
As I have been riding the waves of grief, I have also been overcome by deep gratitude for having had the privilege of experiencing her love. You see, she wasn’t just a doting grandmother—"Mamanbozorg," as we affectionately called her, was truly special.
She experienced painful betrayals at a very young age, which made her different, mentally and emotionally. Given what she had been through, she was extremely distrusting of people, especially of outsiders, which led her to keep to herself and her home for decades.
But when she saw any of her children or grandchildren, her fears melted away and she overflowed with love, as if she suddenly had no other care in the world.
She never adjusted her love and affection based on how well we performed, how much we achieved, how we looked, how often we called or visited, or if we did anything for her—all that mattered to her was that we were there and safe from harm.
Her love came with zero conditions and zero expectations. Her special mind made it so that she took pure delight in our mere existence just as we were in that moment, and nothing else mattered to her.
From the second that she would lay her eyes on us, she would immediately go into admiring, adoring, and showering us with the sweetest words you couldn’t even imagine. There was never any hint of criticism, judgement, shame, or guilt.
She was highly intelligent and very observant but never made you feel bad about yourself.
Her love was the purest there was, which sometimes made it hard for us to receive because it was so different from what we experienced out in the world. But when you were alone with her, she made you feel like you were God’s gift walking on earth.
I remember visiting Iran one summer in my early twenties when I was struggling with a really awful bout of acne. Literally everyone who saw me immediately commented on it, making me feel incredibly self-conscious.
But the moment Mamanbozorg saw me at her door, she greeted me with her usual enthusiasm and unmatched sweetness: “Mamanom! Soorat gerd-e ghashangom! Maliheh khanoomom oomade!”—”My darling! My round-faced beauty! My Maliheh is here!”
Once we exchanged hugs and kisses and I walked in, she said she wanted to bring me something refreshing to help me recover from being out in the Shiraz heat. She went into her kitchen and started up her juicer.
A few minutes later, she was holding a tall glass of green juice. She said it included her special prayers to nourish my health and beauty. I felt so safe and loved that I was the one who brought up the acne and shared with her what a struggle it had been.
Like always, I was met with her compassion and understanding and the knowing that she saw who I truly was—behind the marks on my face, behind the fancy accomplishments, and behind the roles and identities defined by society.
A love like hers truly heals. It gives us the foundation from which we can thrive and I believe that it is possible for all of us to experience.
And it starts with giving this love to ourselves.
As we begin to be kind to ourselves and focus on affectionately and wholeheartedly accepting and loving ourselves, something powerful shifts. We start demonstrating that we believe we are worthy of unconditional love and soften into receiving more of this love from others and from life itself.
Suddenly, we start to notice life being kinder to us and discover safe spaces and people with whom we can flourish.
We become more present and available for more blessings and opportunities as we no longer need to escape the inner criticism, judgement, and shame.
And before we know it, our whole life is revolving around giving and receiving love in the most authentic way–shaping how we love, parent, create, and lead.
So what if you started looking at yourself with my Mamanbozorg’s eyes?
What if you framed all of those perceived “flaws” as the exact things that make you beautiful and inspire your growth?
What if you believed that you were enough and worthy of love just because you exist?
What if you took delight in simply being?
What if you saw yourself as God’s gift walking on earth?
If you notice any resistance to these questions, I invite you to lean into it and get curious. What parts of you believe that you are not worthy of this kind of love? And why? What are these parts afraid of and what do they need?
Are they afraid that you’ll just turn into a lazy bum and never accomplish anything?
Afraid that you’ll never improve or work on your “flaws”?
Afraid that you’ll become an arrogant narcissist and stop caring about others?
Afraid that you’ll outgrow your current circumstances and the people around you and will have to face loss?
Something else?
Whatever they are, sit with them and hold them, and gently explore and negotiate with them until you get to a place of understanding and alignment.
Know that loving yourself in this way is not self-indulgent or selfish—it is self-nourishment and protection. Authentic self-love and self-compassion create the internal safety we all need to power our growth, become courageous enough to live and lead authentically, and blaze new trails.
A love like this frees you. It helps you shed anything that is holding you back from the truth of who you are and from thriving as a human being and as a trailblazer that is here to pave new paths and create lasting impact.
In my last conversation with her, Mamanbozorg told me to not mourn when she is gone as “Mamanom, khoone beheshtimo amade kardan”—“My darling, my home in heaven has been prepared for me“. While I am trying my best to honor her wishes, the emotional grief is definitely real and not something that is healthy to suppress or bypass.
I continue to honor her by sharing who she was and her incredible capacity to love, by loving myself the way that she loved me, and by letting this love overflow and spread through anything that I create and anyone that I meet and work with.
This month, I invite you to help me honor her memory by borrowing my Mamanbozorg’s eyes.
See yourself with her tenderness and sweetness. Fill yourself with unconditional gentleness, acceptance, and appreciation like you have never done before.
Breathe it in and feel it settle into your heart and body. Know that you are enough and worthy of your own love—just as you are in this moment.
Make it a daily practice to nourish this love within you, especially on the days that you make a mistake or are feeling unsure about the path ahead.
Let compassion and gentleness ease your fears, calm your doubts, fuel your heart, and build your confidence as you step into the love that you are meant to be and align with all that is meant for you.
May you gift yourself with my Mamanbozorg’s eyes and unconditional love.
May it fill you up and propel you forward every single day.
And may you continue to thrive.
Mamanbozorg, I hope you are dancing in your new home in heaven. I love you and will always miss you!
All my love,
The Power of Perspective Shifts
This month, we explore the power of allowing deeper presence and more perspective shifts. Get ready to live and lead miraculously!
Dear friends,
Have you ever thought about how miraculous a shift in perspective can be?
We spend years attached to one way of thinking about a challenge, opportunity, person, or place, then suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, we have an experience or insight that completely changes how we see the same “reality”.
The external reality may not change in the slightest, but once our perspective changes, how we feel, move, relate, and behave changes. And before long, that reality will never look the same – we overcome the challenge, reconsider the opportunity, shift our relationships, or let go of places.
When most of us think of miraculous experiences, we typically imagine major extraordinary occurrences that cause shock and awe. For example, a terminally ill patient being cured out of the blue or a person walking away from an extreme car collision without a scratch.
Many of us also recognize that there are miracles happening all around us and in the small moments of life. Even the fact that you are effortlessly breathing, reading, and seeing these words can be considered miraculous.
But we often forget that the most powerful miraculous experiences do not happen to us or around us, but through us.
When we change our perspective, we change, and before long, our reality changes along with us. In fact, I believe that A Course of Miracles defines a miracle as “a shift in perspective” for this reason. We have the capacity to be living miraculously – every single day!
By regularly taking the time to slow down and being present with ourselves, we create the fertile ground for miracles to happen. It is in this space that we can examine our thought patterns, stories, and internal blocks, identifying areas where perspective shifts are needed.
We may not always receive the shifts right away, however. This in-between space will sometimes require us to surrender our old ways of being and thinking without knowing what to replace them with. It can feel incredibly uncomfortable and unsettling to be in this void.
That’s how we know we have met a new edge–the edge of new perspectives, new growth, and new miracles that are about to unfold through us. This is when our deepest presence and attention is needed the most, so we can be receptive to the fresh perspectives that are coming in and piece by piece, create our new reality.
Unfortunately, in this digital age filled with apps, notifications, and distractions, and with all the competing demands on our time, most of us never get this far—missing out on incredible opportunities for major shifts and miracles every single day.
When I flew out of Los Angeles back in 2023, I thought I was taking a vacation and would be back within a few weeks. I didn’t expect the countless perspective shifts that would be on their way, miraculously changing the trajectory of my life forever.
Six countries and fifteen cities later, never in my wildest dreams could I have envisioned such an unexpected and incredible journey. I’ve visited places that I had never heard of, had experiences I didn’t know I needed, and met complete strangers who have nourished my spirit.
But for the life of me, I can’t identify one major miraculous event that sparked this adventure of a lifetime. There have been a series of miraculous moments where I noticed myself facing a block and needing to shift my perspective. Countless times, nearly on a daily basis, I didn’t know what my next steps would be, where I would be going, or how my next step could even be possible.
The only way I’ve been able to meet edge after edge, and experience miracle after miracle has been by fiercely protecting my attention and focus and even disappearing from social media. I had always been mindful, but this experience has required a whole different level of mental discipline. I’ve needed to stay fully present, breathe through the uncertainty, and meet the edges and perspective shifts to fully experience the awe and miraculous moment-to-moment opening and unfolding of it all.
This life-changing experience has shown me how truly miraculous life can be—if we are present enough to allow for it. Now, your journey may not look like mine—it may not involve travel or stepping away from everything and everyone that was ever familiar to you to this extent. But these moments of transformation and perspective shifts come for all of us, in different ways. The key is being present enough to recognize them when they arrive.
But maybe the reason many of us easily fall into distracting, busying, and over committing ourselves is because a part of us doesn’t want to allow enough presence for perspective shifts and miracles to occur. Maybe a part of us isn’t fully ready and is scared of what those shifts could mean—for our careers, organizations, relationships, and lives—and the changes they would bring about, and who we would need to become, even if, in the long run, they would ultimately be good for us.
Receiving miracles every day sounds lovely and amazing, but it can also be terrifying and disruptive, especially for our nervous systems that are wired to seek safety in the familiar - even if the familiar is struggle, pain, and stuckness.
To make miracles a regular part of our lives, to experience the natural miraculous and unpredictable flow of life with ease, we must be prepared to live in the unknown and walk through it bravely.
Over this next month, I invite you to gently notice wherever you face a block or moment of frustration, anxiety, or uncertainty. Notice how you immediately cope with it. Do you reach outward for answers? Do you run from it? Do you shut down? Or do you drop into the moment and curiously go inward?
Challenge yourself to choose the latter and lean into it. As uncomfortable as it may feel, know that you are on the cusp of a perspective shift and receiving a miracle.
Allow yourself to gently meet this experience with presence, curiosity, and compassion. Practice breathing and even relaxing in this space, surrendering the need to figure it out with your mind, and opening yourself up to the possibility of a new insight and perspective on this situation.
You may even be invited to lovingly meet the parts of you that get scared, want to cling to the illusion of certainty, and want to run from this space and the incoming breakthrough.
Be with it all and trust that this is exactly where you need to be. It is all here to give you important data and teach you something about yourself and your path forward.
You were born to continuously expand your perspective and live miraculously, and now, you are allowing yourself to do so.
Once you fully surrender to the experience, seemingly out of nowhere, the insight and perspective shift will come and you’ll be taking actions and making what you previously thought to be impossible, possible.
May this month be the start of you welcoming more presence, more perspective shifts, and an endless stream of miracles into your life.
May you trust that each shift is leading you exactly where you are meant to be.
And may you continue to thrive!
Improve Your Decision-Making With One Simple Question
This year will require crucial decisions as we all navigate a lot of uncertainty and global change. Today’s letter shares a guiding question that can help you improve your decision-making process going forward.
Dear friends,
Happy New Year! I took a short winter break and am excited to be writing to you again.
As many of you have already realized, 2025 is not kidding around. As a behavioral economist who specializes in leadership decision making, I know this year will require many of us to make crucial decisions as we navigate a lot of uncertainty and global change.
While every situation is unique, here is one guiding question that can help you when you find yourself at a crossroad (this will be especially applicable for all the super selfless, giving, and deeply loving people here):
“What is the most self-compassionate decision to make?”
Asking this question will provide a simple but transformative lens through which to reflect on your options.
Let me share a quick story of how this question helped a trailblazing leader who has been facing a defining moment in her career.
For over a decade, this individual has led with incredible vision and passion. Then, overnight, external forces—male-dominated leadership who had been threatened by her success and impact—dismantled everything that she had built. On top of that, the hostility towards her continues to escalate, determined to force her out of the organization.
Despite these crushing challenges, she feels deeply responsible for those she serves and has been determined to push forward. But her health has been paying the price. Her body has been sounding alarm bells for months now, impacting her ability to function, sleep, and even digest. She has repeatedly sought medical care to find a way to heal and cope, but continues to struggle on a daily basis.
Ultimately, after exhausting all other negotiations and options, she is faced with two choices: resist or resign.
When she shared the situation with me, I asked her, “What would be the most self-compassionate decision to make?”
Without hesitation, she answered, “Resign.” But she looked sad and believed that this would mean she was giving up.
I said to her, “Listen my dear, we are not in the business of being martyrs.
“No organization or mission is worth sacrificing your health over, especially one that has been so forcefully committed to not hearing you, not valuing your contributions, and sabotaging your efforts at every turn.
“Resigning would in no way be the end nor diminish the impact you have had throughout the years. Instead, it would be freeing SOOOO MUCH mental and emotional space and physical energy, all of which could then be channeled into creating an even greater impact than ever before.
“This could even be the beginning of an amazing new chapter for you!”
She responded by saying, “Well, if I take the selfish path,” I gently interrupted, “No, no, no! This is not the selfish path, it is the self-compassionate path!”
We both erupted into laughter as we had just experienced in real time why so few women choose self-compassion, because we subconsciously associate it with being selfish.
To clarify, selfishness is rooted in serving the ego and by nature, focused on extraction and scarcity. Self-compassion is rooted in love and by nature, expansive and abundant. The more self-compassionate you are, the more your creativity can flourish, the more you’ll have to give to others, and the greater your long-term impact will be.
She continued, “Okay, so if I take the self-compassionate path, what will happen to those that I leave behind?”
Now, would a “selfish” person ever think to ask such a question? I highly doubt it.
I said, “They are all grown adults and have their own life lessons they need to learn. You can prepare them as best as you can, but then, you need to trust them on their own journey. Maybe you leaving is part of that and it will challenge them to exercise their resilience muscles and find their own way.”
She then took a deep breath and started reflecting about what her life would look like if she did resign. Finally she said, “You know, now that I think about it, I’ve probably known for a while that I’ve outgrown this place. But I just didn’t have the heart to leave.”
“Exactly,” I said. “That is why life had to resort to pushing you out. You deserve to build with people who value and appreciate you. And you are meant for so much more!”
And just like that, exploring the self-compassionate path opened her mind to so many incredible possibilities and hope for the future.
This simple, yet powerful question—“What is the most self-compassionate decision?”—can guide us to choices that better honor our well-being and growth.
The self-compassionate path is not always easy, however, and it is by no means self-indulgent. It may require you to challenge norms, embrace uncertainty, chart new terrain, meet numerous edges of growth, and/or heal old wounds that are keeping you stuck.
It can also feel uncomfortable, even counterintuitive, to prioritize self-compassion—especially if you're used to putting others first.
But self-compassion has been shown to support individuals’ long-term growth and expand their capacity to lead, love, and thrive with greater authenticity and joy (learn more here). It is a path definitely worth reflecting on as you move through your decision making process. It may even open you up to new possibilities and solutions.
So as 2025 unfolds and you face tough decisions, may you remember to explore: “What is the self-compassionate decision to make?”
And may you thrive in ways you never imagined possible.
With love and gratitude,
On Reflections And Resolutions
As the year comes to a close, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the year that has passed and resolving to make improvements in the New Year. This week’s letter invites you to expand on these practices in a way that sets you up for thriving with peace and joy.
Dear friends,
As the year comes to a close, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the year that has passed and resolving to make improvements in the New Year.
I want to invite you to expand on these practices in a way that sets you up for thriving with peace and joy.
Instead of focusing solely on how much you’ve achieved and produced in 2024, take some time to also appreciate how much you’ve grown and the challenges you’ve overcome. Give yourself credit for making it here and celebrate where and who you are now.
Here are three questions to guide your reflections:
What challenges did I overcome this year, and what lesson did I take away from each?
What are three things that I feel grateful for in my life right now and why?
What are three things that I appreciate about myself and why?
It is also important to reflect and identify areas of growth. But instead of getting stuck on external goals and all that you want to do and achieve in the New Year, focus on how you want to BE in every moment: more self-compassionate, more present, and more aligned.
Here are three ways to create space for more being and allowing the doing to flow with greater ease:
Practice self-compassion daily by speaking to yourself as you would to a dear friend, especially when things don’t go as planned. (You can read about the four keys to embodying self-compassion here.)
Schedule tech-free time in your day (e.g. during meals or before bed) and consider deleting social media apps from your phone to allow yourself to be more present with life.
Commit to pausing and quieting your mind every day and especially before making any major decisions, making sure you are being guided by love and faith, instead of lack and fear.
Resolve to show up to life with gratitude, compassion, and presence in each moment, and trust that your day, your week, and your year will transform in ways that you could never imagine.
I want to also thank you—for being here, for all that you are, for the light that you radiate into the world, and for being a part of this journey with me.
May this New Year bring you an abundance of peace, joy, and fulfillment.
And may you continue to grow, thrive, and embrace the gift of each moment, one day at a time.
With love and gratitude,
The Art of Letting Go
Instead of leaning into the frenzy of the end of the year push, this week’s letter invites you to lean into the art of letting go.
Dear friends,
December is upon us and instead of leaning into the frenzy of the end of the year push, I want to invite you to lean into the art of letting go.
Let go of the expectations, let go of the pressures, let go of the artificial timelines, let go of the people-pleasing, let go of the guilt, and let go of the endless pursuit of perfection.
Give yourself permission to breathe and remember that you are enough and you are worthy of peace, ease, and joy, just as you are.
You are not defined by your productivity or how much you achieve by the end of the year.
All that matters is the quality of the peace you feel within yourself.
So deepen your peace and allow yourself to thrive by mastering the art of letting go of anything that is weighing you down and keeping you stuck.
These tend to be thoughts, expectations, worries, stories, habits, and activities that pull you away from the power you have in the present moment. Notice them as they come up and simply choose to let them go.
Letting go of these things doesn’t mean you are being selfish, careless, or irresponsible.
You can still honor your commitments and authentically show up for others while letting go of the expectation to be perfect, the attachment to outcomes, stories of the past, worries about the future, the “shoulds” and “have tos”, and anything that distracts you from the present moment - where life is truly happening.
This leads to being genuine, focused, and mindful - the opposite of being selfish, careless, and irresponsible.
So make this month the month to practice releasing, letting go, and lightening your load. It may be challenging at first and require some energy and focus, but the more you practice, the easier it will get.
Invest in letting go and deepening your presence in the here and now and may you start the next moment, the next day, and the next year lighter and more available to enjoy, create, and thrive.
With love and gratitude,
The Gift of Surrender
When the path ahead seems dark, when you don’t see a solution in sight and don’t know how to find your way, surrender can light the way. This week’s letter discusses the gift of surrender.
Dear friends,
Today’s letter is all about the gift of surrender.
Surrender is often misunderstood. Most people wrongly believe that to surrender means to give up or give in.
To surrender is to partner with a power far greater than ourselves, a power that is boundlessly loving, knowing, and abundant and always seeks the best possible outcome for us.
To surrender means to trust in this higher power to arrange all the pieces and to guide us, moment to moment, on how to take action and move through life with ease.
Now, “ease” does not necessarily mean “easy”. To move with ease, means to move without fear pulling us back and keeping us stuck, but it still requires our awareness, courage, and effort.
Therefore, surrendering a situation means giving up control, not to giving up on the situation.
It means we are recognizing our limited awareness, knowledge, and capacity as human beings, and recruiting the most powerful force there is to help us find our way.
There is no problem too complicated and no situation too hopeless for the light of surrender to not be able to pierce through it.
Unfortunately, surrendering initially feels scary to many of us. Either we are scared of losing control and being in the unknown or we are scared of the unfamiliarity of feeling light and unburdened, or both.
To choose to surrender is often the most self-compassionate and courageous step we can take.
By lightening our load and releasing our grips on how we think life or a situation should be, we can better settle into the present moment, allowing endless possibilities to emerge and show us how incredible everything can be.
It is from this place where we can co-create with the Source of all that is, pioneering new paths, innovating revolutionary solutions, and leading lasting change.
It takes time to build the foundation of trust to fully surrender, and that is expected. So please be patient and gentle with yourself even as you practice surrender.
But when the path ahead seems dark, when you don’t see a solution in sight and you don’t know how to find your way, I hope you’ll realize that this is life inviting you to let surrender light the way.
May you remember that the gift of surrender is available to you in every moment,
May you allow yourself the ease of moving with surrender - more and more with each passing day,
And may you continue to thrive.
With love and gratitude,
Fueling Hope in the Midst of Dark Times
Many of us are deeply affected by the state of the world and all the pain and division we witness every single day. But we cannot let our energy, hope, and light be drained and beaten out of us. This week’s letter shares how we can keep the hope alive in the midst of dark times.
Dear friends,
I know many of us are deeply affected by the barrage of oppression, bloodshed, and trauma that continues to be inflicted upon human beings by other human beings around the world.
I know at times, certain conflicts and crises may even seem hopeless as there appears to be no conscience, accountability, compassion, or end in sight.
This may even lead us to feel that our day-to-day efforts to move the needle and make a difference in the world are insignificant and inconsequential.
But we cannot give our power away to the dark forces that feed off of inciting fear, hatred, and otherization of fellow human beings.
We cannot let our energy, hope, and light be drained and beaten out of us.
So it is essential to remember the fundamental reality that we only have a certain amount of mental, physical, and emotional energy at our disposal.
Once our energy is depleted, it creates an opening for hopelessness to creep in. It is in these moments that getting back up and taking even the smallest steps to recharge our energy may feel incredibly daunting and impossible, further reinforcing any kind of hopelessness that might have emerged.
We all know that if we don’t charge our phone to the point that it powers off, it becomes completely useless and requires extra time to recharge once it is plugged in. The same is true for us.
Fueling hope requires fueling ourselves.
As much as we care about the state of the world, and because we care about the state of the world and showing up for others, we need to make sure that we do not teeter near empty in our own fuel tanks.
We need to be aware of all the distractions that are built into our lifestyles and systems that seek to pull us away from our light and drain our energy and hope.
We need to be incredibly protective our energy and take steps each day to recharge, even if all we can manage is a few moments of silence and prayer, remembering with our “why”, a couple of deep breaths, drinking some water to hydrate, reaching out to someone who is a safe space, or taking breaks from our devices and social media.
And if you believe that it is selfish to even think of taking care of your energy while so many are suffering, remember that your suffering does not reduce their suffering.
However, maintaining your energy levels and keeping your hope alive is an act of resistance that can create the space and opportunity for you to shine your light, take aligned action, and make positive changes happen.
So please take care of your energy and protect it at all times, now more than ever.
We are on the cusp of major global changes and transformations that will require your hope for a better future to be more steadfast than ever.
So may you remember to fuel yourself every single day,
May you continue to share your hope with all who experience you,
And may together, we birth a world where everyone is free to thrive.
Sending love, light, and gratitude,
How to Greet Resistance
As you are birthing the new, you will encounter resistance and how you show up for it makes all the difference in whether or not you will succeed. This week's letter guides you on how to greet resistance and use it to build strength and propel yourself forward.
Dear friends,
As we seek to level up our reality and creativity, we are bound to encounter resistance.
Just like a rocket faces the force of earth’s gravitational pull before it can orbit smoothly in space, the same is true when we are being ushered out of our old reality and into creating the new — whether this is with regard to our personal life, health, careers, businesses, or creative endeavors.
Resistance will be there to greet us and how we greet resistance will make all the difference in whether or not we are able to experience the breakthroughs that we need to birth the new.
Resistance can either distract us and derail us for days, months, or even years, or we can use it to fortify our resolve, clarify our vision, and propel us forward.
How we meet resistance typically depends on how we meet ourselves.
If we are overly critical and harsh towards ourselves, then when resistance pops up, we will use it as ammunition to beat ourselves up even more, going into spirals and wasting precious time repeating old unhealthy cycles over and over again.
But if we are accustomed to meeting ourselves with kindness and compassion, when resistance shows up, we can lovingly hold ourselves through the intense pressure it can create as we continue to take gentle, aligned action toward ushering in the new.
Resistance can present itself differently for everyone, but some common examples include:
intense bouts of self-doubt
sudden surge of fear, grief, or anxiety over multiple areas in your life
physical aches and pains, disruptions in your sleep, and changes in appetite
super tempting and seemingly shiny offers and opportunities emerging that are not aligned with your values and where you want to go
a major crisis hits that requires your immediate attention and drains your energy
and if you are really leveling up, you can experience a combination of these or even all of them at once!
This is why so many people stay stuck for most of their life. They never figure out how to handle the discomfort of moving through resistance and instead, end up sabotaging the process and the path to better possibilities.
Resistance has a way of bringing up our oldest wounds and deepest insecurities to the surface, just as we start gaining momentum toward the new.
It takes a lot of awareness and self-compassion to not get caught up in the internal and external pressures that arise and instead say, “Oh, Hello! Resistance, I see you! I’m going to be gentle with myself and take one tiny step forward with you.”
This can look like having a good cry in the morning over the grief that has surfaced, gently getting yourself ready, giving yourself a pep talk, and still showing up for that important meeting in the afternoon.
This is not about stuffing down your emotions or avoiding the intense pressure that is building up within and/or around you. This is about compassionately showing up for yourself while seeing this experience for what it is: resistance doing its job to make sure that you are strengthened and prepared for maintaining the next level and your new reality.
Therefore, resistance is not something to fear, but an experience to greet with patience and love.
It is certainly not always easy, but we can move through it with ease.
And on the other side of it, there is usually immense relief, clarity, and elevated confidence to help you glide into your new higher equilibrium — just like a spaceship glides into space.
So may you always greet yourself and resistance with gentleness and love,
And may you continue to thrive!
With love and gratitude,
Why You Need to Allow Anger
Anger is a very powerful emotion, but one that many women don’t know how to access. This week’s letter discusses the importance of feeling anger and allowing it to spur us into positive action as powerful agents of change.
My dear friends,
I know you may be a little surprised by the topic of today’s letter, but I invite you to get curious and stay with me as this is possibly the most important Thrive Letter thus far.
As women, many of us are conditioned to prioritize making others comfortable, which often leads us to denying our own emotional needs and experiences.
And if we actually allow ourselves to engage with our emotions, the socially acceptable emotions for women are typically limited to “positive” emotions such as happiness, gratitude, and excitement, and at times, sadness and grief.
Unfortunately, many of us are programmed out of ever allowing ourselves to feel anger, just like many men are programmed out of allowing themselves to feel sadness. Neither of which is healthy.
Anger is meant to be experienced by all human beings and it brings with it crucial data necessary for our wellbeing and thriving. (For more on this, check out my podcast with Harvard Medical School psychologist and author of Emotional Agility, Dr. Susan David).
We are meant to process anger to know when to set boundaries, protect ourselves, and stand up for others. Getting angry is sometimes the most loving thing that we can do. (For more on this, tune into my conversation with Dr. Kristin Neff, author of Fierce Self-Compassion: How Women Can Harness Kindness to Speak Up, Claim Their Power, and Thrive).
But do you know what happens if we don’t let ourselves feel anger?
We stay stuck. We stay stuck in relationships, workplaces, environments, and systems that are abusive, unjust, and unhealthy.
In fact, a few days ago, I spoke to a woman who for 30 years had endured a marriage that was filled with unimaginable betrayal, infidelity, and financial, physical, and emotional abuse. She felt incredibly sad for herself and her situation, but never thought about leaving. When I asked her if she ever felt angry, she said “No”.
Given what I knew about her and her upbringing, I explained to her that this was likely because she didn’t even know that feeling angry was an option. If she were to feel her anger, she would not have been able to stay in the marriage for so long. This also meant that she wouldn’t be able to conform to her family’s idea of a “devoted wife”, which she was programmed to believe was what made her and her life worthwhile.
She couldn’t believe that she didn’t see any of this before and wished she had left thirty years ago…
Sadly, many women are programmed to endure and cope, not to challenge and demand change, which requires some level of healthy anger.
We are often robbed of the space, opportunity, and capacity to connect with our anger and this works to support the persistence of the unhealthy systems and abuses in our world. (For more on this, please read “The Womenifesto”).
So the next time you see what society calls an “angry woman”, I hope you recognize the pain, the power, and the courage it has taken for her to show up in this way.
Imagine if instead of judging or shaming her for breaking social norms for how a woman is expected to present herself, we huddled around her, held her, and heard her.
And imagine if women everywhere allowed themselves to feel angry about what is happening to our environment and the horrific traumas being inflicted upon countless human beings in these ongoing wars.
There is a transformative power to women’s collective anger, and it is time that we awaken it and channel it, not only to save ourselves from unhealthy relationships, workplaces, and systems, but to save our planet and humanity.
And for those who believe that feeling anger is not spiritual, I invite you to explore how you might be using spiritual bypass to avoid the painful emotions that might challenge you to step out of your comfort zone.
We are powerful women leaders and we have the capacity to feel our anger AND express it in peaceful and productive ways.
We can feel angry, while still being compassionate.
We can be loud, while still being respectful of others.
And we can be firm, while still being loving and kind.
May we FINALLY give ourselves (and each other) the permission and the space to connect with our anger,
And may we use its powerful energy to advocate for the health, safety, and thriving of all.
From the bottom of my heart, I hope and pray that these words reach every woman around the world…
With love and gratitude,
The Most Powerful Form of Rest
In today’s letter, I cover a type of rest that is essential to our thriving: mental rest and finding peace in the present moment.
My dear friends,
I am thrilled to be writing to you again and today’s topic is absolutely critical to our thriving, so let’s dive in.
In our modern world, most individuals typically rest by resting the body and if they are not sleeping, they are watching a show, catching up on world events, talking on the phone, reading, scrolling on the phone, brainstorming next steps, or going through the mental laundry list of things they need to accomplish.
We too often forget to incorporate a very important component of rest and that is to rest our minds.
Our minds are constantly bombarded with information and external stimulation. Even when we shut out the external noise, many are consumed with internal chatter, and endless analysis of the past and worries about the future.
I had never actually thought of it in this way until recently but learning to be mentally at peace in the present moment is THE most powerful and rejuvenating form of rest there is.
It is the kind of rest that we need in order to usher in new and better possibilities for our lives.
It is the kind of rest that allows us to break away from the old stories and repeating patterns and create the space for creative ideas and solutions to flow in.
It is the kind of rest that makes it possible for us to truly thrive.
But it takes practice, a lot of self-compassion, and a tremendous amount of courage to allow ourselves to feel safe enough to fully rest our minds in the present moment.
It takes courage to rest in the here and now and surrender the need to control and predict future outcomes.
It takes courage to trust that we are exactly where we are supposed to be and to allow ourselves to simply rest, just as we are now.
It takes courage to forgive ourselves and others for the past and to nestle into the limitless possibilities of the present moment.
It takes courage to love ourselves enough to allow mental rest and peace in a loud and disturbing world.
To rest your mind means to make peace with who you are and where you are - and it takes courage to do that.
It means giving yourself the grace to grow and evolve in your own perfect timing, without the need to force, shame, or manipulate the process.
It also means choosing to walk through life with faith, instead of fear.
It is from this place where all that we have sought can find its way to us.
And it is from this place within each of us, where our world will begin to know peace.
Even if it is just for a few fleeting moments to start, this is a type of rest worth taking over, and over, and over again.
I hope this is the reminder you needed today and that you allow yourself to rest your mind more as you move through life and as you continue to thrive.
With love and gratitude,
Redefining “Home”
In this letter, we redefine what it means to be “home” — the only true home we need to thrive.
Dear friends,
Today marks exactly eight months since I flew out of Los Angeles.
Since then, I have been led on an adventure of a lifetime and have lived and traveled across five countries and three continents.
These travels have allowed for many unforgettable and life-changing experiences. They have also offered invaluable lessons and insights, one of which has been redefining what “home” means.
I now believe home to be wherever and whenever we feel safe and at peace with ourselves.
Home is wherever and whenever we have surrendered and are moving in alignment with the moment-to-moment guidance of our inner being.
Home is wherever and whenever we are fully present in the here and now.
As much as I have missed my loved ones and the comforts of living in my own home, I am incredibly grateful for the ability to feel at home at any moment, anywhere in the world.
The power we feel once we are truly home and at peace with ourselves in the present moment is indescribable.
This power gives us the ability to savor the fullness of life regardless of our external environment and circumstances.
This power gives us the confidence and courage to navigate our way through any and all challenges.
This power allows us to embrace the unknown and the unfamiliar, and pioneer the new.
This power allows us to feel fully alive and enjoy dancing with life.
We need this power to thrive as human beings, as women, and as leaders who are ushering in a new and healthier world order.
Developing this power and the ability to consistently come home to the present moment and find peace, love, and safety with ourselves is the most important work any of us will ever do.
The remarkable part is that once we start walking on this path, all the teachers, experiences, and resources to support us start to emerge as well. All we need to do is to stay open and curious and take it one moment at a time.
I know that if you have been reading and enjoying these letters that you are already well on your way home. I hope and pray that these letters find you when you need them and that they continue to nudge and guide you home.
For now, I’ll be taking my regular summer break to recharge and I look forward to being back with more updates and nourishing letters in September. I have no idea where I’ll be geographically by then, but I hope to continue being “home”.
May we all find our way home,
May we all remember to keep returning home,
And may we thrive!
With love and gratitude,