The Gift of Surrender

Dear friends,

Today’s letter is all about the gift of surrender.

Surrender is often misunderstood. Most people wrongly believe that to surrender means to give up or give in.

To surrender is to partner with a power far greater than ourselves, a power that is boundlessly loving, knowing, and abundant and always seeks the best possible outcome for us.

To surrender means to trust in this higher power to arrange all the pieces and to guide us, moment to moment, on how to take action and move through life with ease.

Now, “ease” does not necessarily mean “easy”. To move with ease, means to move without fear pulling us back and keeping us stuck, but it still requires our awareness, courage, and effort.

Therefore, surrendering a situation means giving up control, not to giving up on the situation.

It means we are recognizing our limited awareness, knowledge, and capacity as human beings, and recruiting the most powerful force there is to help us find our way.

There is no problem too complicated and no situation too hopeless for the light of surrender to not be able to pierce through it.

Unfortunately, surrendering initially feels scary to many of us. Either we are scared of losing control and being in the unknown or we are scared of the unfamiliarity of feeling light and unburdened, or both.

To choose to surrender is often the most self-compassionate and courageous step we can take.

By lightening our load and releasing our grips on how we think life or a situation should be, we can better settle into the present moment, allowing endless possibilities to emerge and show us how incredible everything can be.

It is from this place where we can co-create with the Source of all that is, pioneering new paths, innovating revolutionary solutions, and leading lasting change.

It takes time to build the foundation of trust to fully surrender, and that is expected. So please be patient and gentle with yourself even as you practice surrender.

But when the path ahead seems dark, when you don’t see a solution in sight and you don’t know how to find your way, I hope you’ll realize that this is life inviting you to let surrender light the way.

May you remember that the gift of surrender is available to you in every moment,

May you allow yourself the ease of moving with surrender - more and more with each passing day,

And may you continue to thrive.

With love and gratitude,



The Art of Letting Go


Fueling Hope in the Midst of Dark Times