A Call for Women to Remember, Come Together, and Birth a New World Order

Maliheh Paryavi, Ph.D.

March 5, 2024

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We live in a world that has been extracting from everyone and everything on this planet. Most of the systems that are in place are systems of use and abuse for short-term gain. These systems thrive on distracting human beings, especially women, from themselves and the immense power they hold within.

In conditioning women to believe that they must meet a plethora of standards to be worthy, approved of, and accepted, countless women fall into the trap of working to meet these unattainable standards. The more distracted you are with meeting society’s endless expectations of you, the less likely you are to connect with your true source of power. The more depleted you are as you chase after society’s constantly moving goalposts for women, the less likely you are to challenge the systems that don’t support you and benefit from your compliance.

Consider this Womenifesto your urgent call to pause and remember who you truly are.

For centuries, women have been used and abused and our modern world is no different. Guised under “empowerment” within the same extractive systems, women are now expected to give more of themselves than ever before in history. In many societies, a “modern” woman is now expected to perform perfectly not only inside of the home, but also, in the outside world—in the workplace and even in the digital space—while having to contend with a never-ending obstacle course along the way. And the more women wake up to these realities and choose to prioritize their peace and wellbeing, the more these extractive systems seek to maintain their control by threatening women’s hard-gained human rights and freedoms.

Despite all the advancements human beings have made, these extractive systems persist and continue to shape how our economies, policies, and societies function—prioritizing winning, productivity, and profits over humanity, empathy, and wellbeing. So many women have been doing their best to adapt to these systems (and try to improve them), while being gaslit into thinking that they are the problem if they struggle in any way.

But these systems were not built for women’s thriving. In fact, they were not designed for anyone’s thriving, except for a privileged few.

We live in a world that was originally designed by men for men to compete, extract, and win at all costs, even if that meant destroying the competition, the environment, and the lives of generations in the process. We live in a world that was designed from the lowest level of consciousness humans can possess and it seeks to keep us there. It keeps us there through fear: fear of not being enough and fear of not having enough. Asking anyone, including women, to adapt to these fear-based extractive systems is asking them to abandon themselves and their essential needs as human beings, and to live in a constant state of survival. This will never yield true empowerment, freedom, or thriving.

This Womenifesto is an urgent call for change. This Womenifesto marks the beginning of a new world order, one that is not obsessed with extraction, but one that is energized by expansion.

This is not about women and men competing with each other. This is about women and men collaborating with one another so we can better serve everyone. This is about elevating our consciousness and promoting the healing, thriving, and expansion of all human beings and our planet into the healthiest and most vibrant expressions of who we are.

It is called “The Womenifesto” because it is inspired by women everywhere who carry the grief of generations of unlived potential, unknown ease, and unfelt joy.

This Womenifesto is a call for women to come together and transmute this grief into healing, growth, and lasting positive change for all.

This Womenifesto also asks that we reimagine and recreate our world into one that honors humanity and our environment. What this will look like is perhaps the greatest experiment of humankind, but one that our thriving hinges upon.

We proudly acknowledge the many life-enhancing advancements that have emerged as human beings have operated within the old systems. But now, it is time that we employ them to propel us forward.

It is time to level up and release our attachments to the fear-based extractive systems and give birth to love-focused expansive paradigms that elevate humanity.

This will require a lot of unlearning and navigating the unknown. It will also be met with resistance from our old conditioning and from individuals and institutions whose core identities are tied to the legacy of the old systems. They are so deeply attached to the fear-based ways of struggling, forcing, competing, gritting, and grinding that it is hard for them to imagine an alternative. This is exactly how these systems have survived and continued to persist.

But now, we have a unique opportunity to alter the course of history. More and more individuals are awakening to the workings of the unhealthy systems that surround us. More and more individuals are starting to connect to their deeper knowing that encourages peace, fulfillment, and wellbeing. And thanks to technology and our connected world, we can find one another and work together like never before.

Our first task in creating a world that focuses on expansion is to cultivate expansion within ourselves and find authentic leaders who are ready to bring their presence, intellect, love, and wisdom to this space. That is why this Womenifesto is, first and foremost, a call to heal ourselves from what these old systems have put us and our nervous systems through, and to come together.

This Womenifesto is a call for women to remember who they are underneath the fear-based programs of our world and step into their most expansive, authentic, and powerful selves.

We start with shedding the lies the world has told women for centuries, and individually, remembering our true source of power:

1. I am worthy. I will not give my power away by letting others define my worth. I will not give my power away to a world that values women based on what they can provide for society, for men, and for profit. I now see that those who attempt to define my worth are trying to keep me stuck in fear-based living that shrinks me to cater to mind-made insecurities. It keeps me small and susceptible to manipulation and control. My worth is not defined by anything external to me: not my appearance, not my age, not my title, not my status, not my credentials, not my productivity, not my family, not my relationship status, not my children, not my wealth, not my followers, not my religious identity, not my race, and not my nationality. I am worthy simply because I am here in this moment. I am worthy simply because the same force that created the sun, the moon, the rivers, mountains, and oceans also saw it necessary to create me. I am worthy because I exist and my spirit is limitless. I am worthy just as I am, right here, right now.

2. I am powerful. I will not allow myself to be gaslit into thinking that I lack power, confidence, or agency. Underneath the trauma’s inflicted upon me by these extractive systems, underneath the fear-based conditioning and attachments to lack and struggle that have kept me tied to serving these systems, I am one with the creator of worlds and universes. I am powerful beyond measure, but I have never lived in a world that celebrated my power. To survive, I’ve had to learn to hide my power, even from myself, just like my ancestors before me. But now, my inner being hears this call, this call to shed what is not me, to shed the shackles of these old systems that seek to keep me stuck, small, fearful, and powerless, and to free myself to finally see, celebrate, and embody my power. I am powerful because my power comes from the source of all power.

3. I am safe. I will not allow the fear-mind to keep me stuck and small in its effort to keep me safe. I actively cultivate internal safety every single day. I am capable of healing my traumas and releasing my attachments to fearful thoughts and limiting beliefs that I have unconsciously adopted. I know that I can be safe within myself.  I am safe to feel and honor my emotions and needs and to be imperfectly human. Even when the world is cruel, unjust, and punishing, I trust that I will treat myself with respect, compassion, and gentleness. This allows me to feel safe to be curious, experiment, learn, and grow. I am safe to transform and continuously evolve. I am safe to expand into the most authentic expression of who I am because I am safe with me. I am my own safe space and because I know what that feels like internally, I’m better able to discern who can provide safety to me externally. I am safe with me.

4. I am connected. Despite what the fear-based systems would want me to believe, I am never alone. As Rumi says, I am not a drop in the ocean, I am the entire ocean in a drop. I am with me and within me lies the capacity to connect with the source of all creation and to beings everywhere. I am the conscious awareness beyond my thoughts and when I enter this quiet stillness within me, I remember that I am not alone. The more I connect to my inner being and I am fully present with myself, the more I am connected to a realm of possibility that dismantles all fear, lack, and isolation. The more I connect to myself and my own humanity, the more I see the humanity in others. And the more I connect to my heart, the more I can feel for others. The world seeks to distract me from myself and my powerful connection to humanity and the source of all creation, but I choose to be present with me and to nurture my connections. I am connected with me and the source of all creation.

5. I am guided. In every moment whatever guidance I need is available to me. Deep in the quiet center of my being, I have the capacity to see beyond the limitations of my mind and body. Deep in the quiet center of my being, I can ask for guidance and receive what I need in each moment. Deep in the quiet center of my being, I have all the answers that will lead me to the decisions and actions that will support me on my path to thriving. I have access to knowing and wisdom that is beyond my years and mental capabilities. All I need to do is to learn to be still, to get quiet, and to listen. I also receive the wisdom of my body and my emotions. The world wants to rush me and distance me from all of this guidance that may lead me to challenge things as they are. I recognize that it is an act of bravery and courage to slow down and get quiet in this loud and hurried world. I choose to go deep into the quiet center of my being and I choose to let myself be guided so I can rise above the limitations that this world wants to place on me and my thriving. Deep in the quiet center of my being, I know that I am held and guided beyond human understanding. I am guided every moment that I choose to be, and I choose to slow down and receive guidance in every moment.

6. I am abundant. I will not give into the fearful illusions of scarcity and lack. I am an abundant being who is here to share her unique presence, gifts, and talents for as long as she lives. I can identify areas of growth and development without giving into lack and despair. I see these as opportunities for further expansion. I am abundant because I am connected to the source of all creation and abundance. Inspired ideas come to me with ease when I allow myself to receive them. I am abundant because I am – it is my nature and something that I may have forgotten and remembering now. The more aware I become of my connection to abundance, the more abundance flows through and around me. I am an abundant being because I was created to be.

7. I am creative. While the world will have me believe that I need to fit into a mold to be accepted, I remember that I was born to create, not to imitate. I am here to challenge existing systems, orders, thoughts, and designs. I am the creative force that the world needs right now. My creativity comes from my knowing that I am one with the source of all creation. The same force that created the sun, the moon, and the cosmos, also created me as an expression of creation and an instrument of creation. My creativity shines light on the darkness in the world. My creativity beautifies our world. My creativity questions and heals our world. My creativity flows through me with ease when I release my fear and attachment to outcomes and judgements of others. My creativity flows through me with ease when I trust that its purpose is beyond what I can fully comprehend. I am creative, because I was born to create.

8. I am chosen. I do not need the world to choose me. I am already chosen because I am chosen to be alive in this moment in time. I am chosen to breathe, because my presence is what the world needs right now. I am chosen to love because my love is what the world needs right now. I am chosen to create because my creativity is what the world needs right now. I am chosen to be alive because my aliveness fulfills a purpose that only I can fulfill. I am now chosen to heal and remember who I am so that I can be more courageously alive than ever before. I am chosen because I choose me and I choose to trust the wisdom of the power that created me and flows through me.

9. I am courageous. The world wants me to believe that I need its permission or approval so that I stay fearful, stuck, and help perpetuate the status quo. But I am courageous as I have learned to walk with my fear. I am courageous because as I’ve learned to walk with my fear, I’ve learned to walk into love for myself and for beings everywhere. I courageously face my shadows and heal my wounds. I courageously trust my inner guidance and surrender my attachments to any and all outcomes. I courageously listen to my inner being, believe in myself, honor my needs, befriend my body, take rest, practice joy, ask for help, set healthy boundaries, lead with empathy, lift others up, speak up, speak out, create, and embody the most authentic, powerful, and fully alive version of myself. I courageously choose to release the old programs, live in the present moment, and step into the unknown. I courageously choose to be true to me in all ways and always. I am courageous because I was made to be.

10.  I am loved. Despite what the world wants me to believe, I do not have to do anything to earn love. Love is always available to me, but my capacity to receive love depends on my willingness to receive it. The world has conditioned me to believe that I need to suffer, struggle, prove my worth, or to be perfect in order to be loved. I let go of these limiting beliefs that keep me small and chasing love, approval, and acceptance. I remember that I am already loved by the source of all creation and that I am worthy of love just as I am. I am loved because I choose to love myself fully and completely every single day. The more I fill myself up with my own love internally, the more I expand my capacity to grow and receive love externally. I now remember that I am loved because:

11.  I am love. Deep in the quiet center of my being, I know that only love is real. Fear is nothing but an illusion of the mind that is triggered from the wounds and traumas the world and these systems of extraction have inflicted upon me. Deep in the center of my being, I know that I am one with the source of all love and creation. Deep in the center of my being, I know that I am nothing and no one that the fear-based world recognizes, and that is exactly where my power comes from. I have moved beyond the labels, identities, and limited consciousness of this fear-based world and have elevated to being, embodying, and radiating love. I now choose to let this pure love from deep within my being fill me up and overflow to all those around me. I choose to think, speak, act, and breathe with love. Being love allows me to be soft and forceful when I need to be. Embodying love, I now show up as a healing presence in the world. I am love, because it is my true nature. I am love because I have chosen to unlearn and release all that is not love within me. I am love because I have healed my mind and body to accept the love that I am and was born with. I am love because it is who I am.

Remembering and embodying our power, we come together to rethink and redesign our world away from the old systems of extraction, and towards the path of expansion.

None of us have all the answers, but each of us hold a key that will be illuminated once we remember and start walking in alignment with the love that we are.

This author’s contribution is to deliver this call, gather the guidance and inspiration we need on this journey, and hold a light as we step into the unknown.

Every month, I deliver inspired guidance to support us on this path through the “Thrive Letters”. If “The Womenifesto” has found you, then you are invited to receive these letters and join this growing community of powerful and thriving women.

Starting today, we come together to write a new chapter in our history as women and human beings. 

We are the new wave of leaders birthing a new world order, one that supports the thriving of every human being and our planet.

We begin with remembering who we are, coming together, and stepping into our power as leaders and designers of our world.

May we remember and embody our power,

May we find each other and hold one another with gentleness,

And may we lead with love and compassion for all – including ourselves.

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Dr. Maliheh Paryavi is a women’s leadership and empowerment thought leader and advisor. She brings together intellectual rigor, spiritual insights, and behavioral strategies to help women thrive while leading and redesigning our world for the better. She holds a Ph.D. in Political Economy and Government from Harvard University and a Master in Public Administration in International Development (MPA/ID) from the Harvard Kennedy School. Learn More